Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Crab life

I was reading an article discussing the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosake. In his book he told about Hawaiian black crabs, he isn't the only one who has talked about crab mentality but it reminded me of a few things.

If you go down to the beach early in the morning you can find black crabs. You can gather them in a bucket and continue down the beach for more. Now those crabs start thinking "We are bumping around in this little bucket and not going anywhere." Eventually one crab will look up and think "There's a whole new world up there. There has got to be more than this. If I can just get my foot over the edge I can get out and get my freedom and see the world as it is." So he stretches up reaches a little and sure enough he is right there on the edge, but just as he is about to tip the balance and make the plunge towards freedom a crab from the bottom of the bucket reaches up and pulls him back down. Instead of encouraging him and helping each other to freedom, they pull anyone attempting back down into
the bucket that leads them to death.

Corinthians 15:33 says that "Bad company corrupts good character"

Unfortunately, the crab story is all too common in our world. There are black crabs out there who can't see the bigger picture, who are inside the box thinkers (or in this case, bucket). Those who are ready to ridicule or shoot down any idea that would change things. Those that believe in themselves not in an almighty God.

I have been reflecting on the last few years. Our lives and circles have changed dramatically. All for the better, I believe. We are now surrounded by peers who love us for US. Who encourage us, reassure us, love us, and want to grow with us. It doesn't mean you have to cross people off your list and not talk to them again... but be that positive light and don't let anyone pull you back down from what you can potentially be. I have to remind myself that every day.

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