Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fridge Verse or Piercing Wound

Sharing another great read... man, this one is good...

Author Randy Alcorn touches on the frequently converging issues of money and trust.

"Sometimes more is to be learned from the passages of Scripture we avoid or skim over than those we underline or post on our refrigerator. The Bible contains an arsenal of such verses on the subject of money and possessions, and they just keep firing away at us. The more we allow ourselves to grapple with these unsettling passages, the more we are pierced.

Our only options, it seems, are to let Christ wound us until he accomplishes what he wishes, or to avoid his words and his gaze and his presence altogether by staying away from his Word. The latter option is easier in the short run. But no true disciple can really be content with it.

By now some readers are long gone and others who remain are uncomfortable. I must admit that I share your discomfort. You may even be thinking, 'I'd rather not deal with these issues. I'm content doing what I'm doing.' But are you really content? Are any of us who know Christ, who have his Spirit within, really content when we haven't fully considered his words? When we haven't completely opened ourselves to what he has for us?

Comfortable, perhaps. Complacent, certainly. But not content. I, for one, hate to live with that nagging feeling deep inside that when Jesus called people to follow him he had more in mind than I'm experiencing. I don't want to miss out on what he has for me. If he has really touched your life, I don't think you do either.

For all these sobering implications, I must quickly add that for me the process of discovering God's will about money and possessions, rather than being burdensome, has been tremendously liberating. My own growth and enlightenment in financial stewardship has closely paralleled my overall spiritual growth. In fact, it has propelled it. I have learned more about faith, trust, grace, commitment, and God's provision in this arena than in any other.

Amazing isn't it??? Very convicting... but good stuff he said there.... and so very, very true!

So... maybe John 3:16 shouldn't be that fridge verse, our clutch phrase... maybe it should be something more like:

Isaiah 23:9 The Lord Almighty planned it, to bring down her pride in all her splendor and to humble all who are renowned on the earth.

In other words... bring us to our knees at His feet.... for we must examine our lives and remember that all true accomplishment comes from our Creator. We have no reason for pride in ourselves it separates us from our God.... so, in all our pride and glory cripple us... bring us to our knees until we understand we NEED Him... yeah it hurts.. its a wound, but a LOVING wound indeed. His LOVE, His MERCY, His GRACE His FAITHFULNESS... for He is so giving and so generous that our heart can only burst and can't contain our desire to be like Him..

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